What Is the BREEAM Assessment Process and What Does It Involve?

What Is the BREEAM Assessment Process and What Does It Involve?

Please find out how BREEAM assessment & scoring operate, as well as how our blocks may assist you in obtaining the desired rating. This is probably why as climate change touched its pinnacle, designers, architects and builders are adjusting the way they construct buildings to embrace sustainability. There are various assessment techniques which are employed in evaluating environmental impacts like the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), that they continue to incorporate more often, in order to help them with their work and also to show the results of their improved efforts. However, what is included in BREEAM as well as the way is BREEAM Assessment UK scoring implemented?

BREEAM: What is it?

“This is the full form of BREEAM which stands for “Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method”. As mentioned earlier the BREEAM definition was developed by the Building Research Establishment in United Kingdom where the BREEAM method was developed in 1990 and it goes as follows:

This process guarantees that buildings adhere to sustainable planning, construction, and upkeep guidelines. You might employ it to analyse both in-use, rehabilitation and refurbishment initiatives as well as new developments. More than 70 nations employ the BREEAM construction certification; some in Europe have gone so far as to create national plan operators (NSOs)-run BREEAM schemes that are exclusive to their countries. The countries in question are Norway (BREEAM NOR), Sweden (BREEAM SE), Germany (BREEAM DE), the Netherlands (BREEAM NL), Spain (BREEAM ES), & Norway (BREEAM NOR).

What is the procedure for BREEAM assessments?

The time at which you choose to begin the BREEAM assessment process will affect several aspects of it. Including a BREEAM assessor as soon in the construction process as feasible has benefits. Nevertheless, if required, BREEAM may be implemented in the construction phase or after the fact. This is an overview of the BREEAM process from the ground up.

Stage of feasibility: 

Throughout the design phase of your building, you hire a BREEAM assessment as part of the BREEAM certification procedure. The advantage of this is that it provides you with pre-assessment feedback. Afterwards, you can make the necessary adjustments to the architecture to optimise your building’s rating potential.

Design stage: 

After your plan is complete, the BREEAM assessor will officially compare the architectural layout of your project to the BREEAM requirements. After that, you’ll receive a Design Stage Certificate.

Stage of construction: 

The BREEAM assessor comes back and conducts an additional evaluation once the building gets underway. They will then verify that your efforts have truly applied the ideas you outlined in your building design until the structure is finished. The post-construction assessment is the term for this.

Stage of review: 

After that, the assessments are forwarded to the Building Research Establishment (BRE) for examination. You will then get your ultimate BREEAM rating if they’re pleased.

Why Apply Techniques for Environmental Assessment?

The greatest urbanization wave in human history is now underway on Earth. I hope you realised that until 2060, as much floor space as Paris is created every five days and that of Japan every year. Concrete structures are reckoned to be one of the most destructive culprits of the climatic change since they make nearly 40% meddling of the worldwide green house emissions. To meet the targets of emission reductions that ares set for the year 2030 by Paris Agreement, there must be a dramatic increase in the rate of energy efficiency in the existing buildings together with development as well as acquisition of renewable energy.

Even though it will be difficult, if we act now, we can still meet the Sustainable Development Goals and adhere to the European Green Deal’s schedule. Techniques of environmental assessment such as BREEAM help to minimize the negative effects of buildings at different stages of the life cycle of the building and during its construction. BREEAM inspection also takes into consideration social, economical and environmental value that the building provides to all the stakeholders throughout the whole life of the structure. We go into further detail about that in our piece regarding the advantages of BREEAM evaluations.

How do you calculate BREEAM points?

You receive a score in BREEAM assessments based on a weighted system. It means that certain evaluation factors are valued higher than others. You will receive scores for each area of the BREEAM evaluation that shows whether or not you have complied with the BREEAM requirements. Next, each section’s weighting factor is multiplied by these points. Your BREEAM score is then calculated by adding these scores together. Licensed, professional BREEAM assessors assign points. After that, the BRE receives their evaluations for evaluation.

Final Words

For several reasons, BREEAM certification has grown more and more significant. A modern investor’s checklist & decision-making process now includes sustainability characteristics in buildings due to some community, social, health, & financial advantages as well as increasing local authority mandates.